saje aku buat sbb kunun nak reveal la tuan empunye blog neh.
at least korg tau la sape punye blog neh kan.
tu pun kalo korg nak knal sapa aku la. heheheh..
dipersilakan membaca......
Name : jennifer c.
Sisters : younger sis, jocelyn
Brothers : 2 younger brothers, franklin & augustine
Shoe size : kaki aku kecik je..pakai saiz 5. sgt senang nak cari kasut..wahahahahah
Height : aku seorg yg kontot..tak smpai 160cm pon..
Where do you live : kuching, sarawak
Have you ever been on a plane : yes, once
Swam in the ocean : yup!
Fallen asleep at school : zaman INTRIM mmg aku suke tdo lam kelas kalo lect. tak masuk. hehehe..
Broken someone’s heart : tak taw la..penah kot. salunye aku je yg broken..
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : penah..zaman skola dulu.. time tu baru pandai gune hp.
Saved e-mails : yeap!
What is your room like : erm.. mcm bilik dh ada katil. warna papel taw. dulu tak ada. baru2 ni beli katil queen size.
What’s right beside you: kipas brand sharp warna papel. dulu menang kipas ni dlm cabutan bertuah time dinner church.
What is the last thing you ate : buah payapa. heee...
Chicken pox : darjah 4 or 5..lupe la..
Sore throat : lama dh tak kena. mintak dijauhkn..
Stitches : kat dahi ade 1, nak byk? kat perut ni haa..baru lepas operation.
Broken nose : tak penah.
Do you Believe in love at first sight :ye.. aku dulu 1st jumpa ngn mr. luff pon terus kapel ngn beliau. suke mata die yg sepet tu.. ngeee...
Like picnics : sangatttttttt sukaa....
Who was/were…
The last person you danced with : cannot recall. sejak aku saket neh aku dh jadi budak baik. time gawai festival last month pon aku tak minum taw..
Last made you smile : mlm td.. hehehe.. mr. luff sms kite.
You last yelled at : si chemong last nite die dtg gile die ggit2 kaki kite. ape kah?
Today did you…
Smile to someone you like : takde kot..heeee
Kissed anyone : nope..
Get sick : nahh..
Talk to an ex : erm..takde2..
Miss someone : mr. luff. bile mau jumpe neh??
Who do you really hate: ade la seseorg tu. dgr nama die pon aku dh nyampah..
Do you like your hand-writing : boleh la.
Are your toe nails painted : yap.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : tito kat katil mr. luff buleh? ngee...
What color shirt are you wearing now : green apple
Are you a friendly person : ye2.. aku neh cepat peramah..
Do you have any pets : saya ada seekor kucen nama nye chemong..
Do you sleep with the TV on : nahh..
What are you doing right now : answering this tag
Can you handle the truth : depend on what truth
Are you closer to your mother or father : both sbb aku mmg manja wpn aku anak sulung
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : takde..
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : akan cari mr. luff.. or myb my mama
Are you loud or quiet most of the time :sy sangat loud org nye.hahaha..kalo tak bising bkn aku tuh..haaaa...
Are you confident : yeap!
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
- form 1
- had a big crush on 1 guy at my school. heee...
- atlet skolah
- cannot recall.. lame sgt dh..
- tak taw nak tulis ape
5 things I would do if i were a billionaire:
- beli umah besar utk fmly
- nak buat bisnes
- beli keta
- smbung stdy lg
- melancong
5 of my bad habits:
- geget kuku
- malas kemas bilik
- kuat lantak
- kuat ngumpat
- kuat nge....... heheheheh... tkde la.
5 places I’ve lived/living
- flat polis sri aman - G1 *ye ke G1? aku lupa le... *
- flat polis sri aman - F2 * ye ke F2?? *
- sri jaya park, sri aman swk
- dok hostel masa stdy kat ILP miri (INTRIM)
- now at quarters PULAPOL, kuching
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